2016 News & Events


HCC Warehouse Provides $650,000 In-kind Donations to Area’s Underserved
December 2016
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HCC Helps Consumers Enroll in ACA Marketplace
November 1, 2016
Read full press release

Community Innovation Network Framework: A Model for Reshaping Community Identity
October 18, 2016
Download report

HCC’s Live Well Clinics Designated as Veteran’s Choice Program Providers
October 4, 2016
Read full press release

HCC and its Live Well Centers Deliver Over $5 Million in Economic Impact
September 19, 2016
Read full press release

HCC Impacts Work-based Relationships with Business-Social Intelligence
September 19, 2016
Follow this link for details

American Hospital Association: Expanding Access Points for Primary, Dental and Behavioral Health
September 15, 2016
Find out how LRHC and HCC are collaborating to increase access

HCC Launches Rural Job Site
September 13, 2016
Follow this link for details

National Rural Health Resource Center: 2016 Financial Leadership Summit Report
Follow this link for details

Health Care Foundation of Greater KC Bids Farewell to Rhonda Holman

HCC of Rural Missouri 2015 – 2016 Annual Report

Rural Network Leads Way With Intentional Collaboration
The Rural Monitor (Federal Office of Rural Health Policy) – Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
Article | Video

HCC Health Information Technology Workgroup
The Rural Monitor (Federal Office of Rural Health Policy) – Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
Article with video footage

HCC, Orrick School District Partner to Launch Telehealth Clinic for Students
July 14, 2016
For rural communities like Orrick, Mo. in Ray County, barriers to quality health care access are common. As for the students living in these communities, this could mean traveling to neighboring cities to receive care for common ailments like cold, flu, ear infections and other typical illnesses. The Orrick R-XI School District, in partnership with the Health Care Collaborative (HCC) of Rural Missouri, is embarking on cutting-edge technology to deliver quality health care to students. To make health care more accessible, students who have been granted parental consent can be treated for common ailments like cold, flu, ear infections and other illnesses through a new Telehealth Clinic on school grounds slated to open late fall of the 2016-2017 school year.

HCC Talks Rural Health
May 23, 2016
After more than a decade and nearly 50 new employees later, it’s safe to say that the Lexington, MO-based Health Care Collaborative (HCC) of Rural Missouri is a major player in Lafayette County and in rural health care in this region. The rural health network emerged from an obscure two-person nonprofit organization to the only organization in the nation to have not one but four Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). These Live Well Community Health Centers serve Buckner, Carrollton, Concordia, Waverly and surrounding areas, and provide dental, behavioral health primary care and social support services.

HCC and CCMH Partner to Expand Health Care Access
May 17, 2016
Rural health care has it challenges: provider shortages, transportation, access to specialty services and a high concentration of uninsured residents all make for an uphill battle when it comes to health care delivery. However, in Carrollton, there is good news. Last December, Carroll County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) partnered with Lexington, Mo.-based Health Care Collaborative (HCC) of Rural Missouri to co-locate a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) called the Live Well Community Health Center – Carrollton (1413 N. Jefferson). Services include primary care as well as pediatrics, well-woman care and Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals. Read entire release.

Lafayette County Positions for Homeless Count
January 19, 2016
Every year, HUD requires continuum of care organizations (CoCs) to conduct a “Point in Time” or PIT count of homeless individuals, countywide. The goal of the data collected is to end homelessness by providing funding for efforts by nonprofit providers and state and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families – while reducing the trauma that dislocation causes. Additionally, the program opens access and effective utilization of support helps, as well as positions homeless individuals and families to become self-sufficient.

Tax Season and ACA: What you Need to Know
January 18, 2016
The Health Care Collaborative (HCC) of Rural Missouri is working on behalf of Lafayette County residents to help individuals and families meet federal law (Affordable Care Act or ACA) for health insurance. This means most people are required to get insured or potentially pay a penalty. The deadline to apply for insurance through Missouri’s federal exchange, the Health Insurance Marketplace, is January 31, 2016. If you had insurance in 2015 through a private insurer, the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid or Medicare, you will need to indicate that when you file your 2015 tax return. Read entire release.

HCC/Live Well Expands Network Membership to Eastern Jackson County
April 18
Download details

Live Well Community Health Centers Provide Health Coverage Support to Women & Children
Show-Me Healthy Babies, Presumptive Eligibility Among Clinic-Supported Programs
February 2017
Read full release

Live Well Carrollton, McCoy Samples Mattingly Partner to Expand Access to Dental Care
February 2017
Read full press release

Rural Healthcare Workforce
February 14, 2017
Maintaining the healthcare workforce is fundamental to providing healthcare quality and access in rural areas. Rural healthcare facilities must employ sufficient numbers of healthcare professionals who are capable of meeting the needs of the community in many ways. This includes having proper licensure, education and training, and cultural competency skills. Strategies on these, as well as how to optimize the way in which health professionals are used as well as enhancing care coordination are provided in this article.